Getting Started

There are some ways to get started. First, see all download options available below, then choose the most suitable option for your need. Now you should add the main file of the Milligram and the CSS Reset in the header of your project. Just that!

Download Milligram

Install with Bower

Milligram is available to install using Bower.

$ bower install milligram

Install with npm

Milligram is also available to install using npm.

$ npm install milligram

Install with Yarn

Milligram is also available to install using Yarn.

$ yarn add milligram

What's included

Once downloaded, extract the compressed folder to see the main file in the uncompressed and minified version.

├── dist/
│   ├── milligram.css
│   └── milligram.min.css
├── example.html
├── license


First, use any method mentioned above to download Milligram. Then, just add these tags in the head. Milligram is also available via CDN.

/* Google Fonts */

/* CSS Reset */

/* Milligram CSS */

/* You should properly set the path from the main file. */


A CLI for getting started with Milligram. It offers a super simple boilerplate project with Milligram.

$ npm install -g milligram-cli

Create a new app using the command milligram init, then install dependencies and run with npm start.

$ milligram init new_app
$ cd new_app
$ npm start


You can view more examples of using Milligram.


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